18/09/2018 - 18-09-2018

TOP ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS SA is pleased to announce the new collaboration with the Company named ILLUSION LED LIMITED. ILLUSION LED LIMITED is among the biggest manufacturers of LED lighting in China. Based on the advanced manufacturing equipment and their strong R&D technology, ILLUSION LED LIMITED manage to cover all kinds of market requirements in LED lighting.

17/07/2018 - Summer Vacation

Dear Partners, we would like to inform you that our company will be closed for Summer vacations from the 13th until the 24th of August.

15/06/2018 - 15/06/2018

TOP ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS SA is pleased to announce its new collaboration with company PAIRDEER, No.1 Alkaline Battery Manufacturer. Based on continuous creativity and innovation, PAIRDEER focuses on growth and research, too. They offer a wide range of products of full environmental friendly batteries, including Torches. Τhey are the largest alkaline battery production base and they are ranked 3rd in the world. PAIRDEER‘s innovative range of high-performance TORCHES, meets the demanding needs of the market. • LED XD • Luminous Flux up to 140Lm • Range up to 160m • 10h working time • 3 Fuctions: Highlight-Lowlight- Flash • Waterproof • Ergonomic design

25/02/2018 -

23/02/2018 -